Tonight, before I head off to the Suns game, I'll be taking my Final Confirmation Sheet to the Health and Fitness expo in Downtown Phoenix to pick up my Race Number.
This is it, people! Can I PR???? I've got the same mantra as I had last year. "Beat Katie Holmes." Her NY Marathon time was 5:25. I couldn't do it last year, with a time of 5:46:44. Can I really shave off 21 minutes?
You can follow my progress here using my race number 8567 http://www.liveraceresults.com/mobile/
Wish me luck!
Good luck on your BKH attempt. I just got back from the Expo. Lots of good stuff. I got Bart Yasso autograph on my race bib.
Good luck this weekend. I think you can totally do it. Seriously. Look forward to your race report!!!!
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